Cub Sayings
In The Canadian Path, Personal Achievement Badges are strictly optional and designed to allow youth to explore and expand skills and knowledge in areas that are of particular interest to them.
- There are 16 Personal Achievement Badges for each Section and they have no set requirements
- A PAB may be accomplished more than once as long as a new Plan is made with new adventures.
- The adventure activities to be completed for the badge must be done specifically for the badge.
- Credit is not given for something already completed at school or in another group. However, a new project that is done jointly for the badge and for another purpose could be part of the badge adventures.
- No special equipment is needed for any of the PABs.
I will explore the environment, nature, research and/or leisure pursuits as they relate to the air.
Adventure Ideas:
- Go on an urban hike, and look for signs of air pollution. Listen for noise pollution. What is the air like in the park compared to on the main street?
- Build and launch a model rocket.
- Try making clouds and tornadoes in a bottle.
I will explore what it means to enjoy and contribute to the arts.
Adventure Ideas:
- Have you ever been to the ballet, the opera, the symphony, a live concert, a musical or theatrical production? Pick one you’ve never attended and arrange to go (in-person or virtually).
- Create a play that tells the story from The Jungle Book or learn to tell the story in your own words and share it with your Lair/Pack.
I will explore various ways of building, including a variety of designs, materials and construction methods.
Adventure Ideas:
- Design and build, with appropriate guidance and help, something that will be useful in your backyard.
- Help with a home building project.
- Fix something that is broken and show your Lair how you did it.
I will explore what it means to be a helpful, contributing citizen of Canada.
Adventure Ideas:
- Interview a soldier or Veteran who lives near you, or find out the story of a family member who has been in the Armed Forces.
- Visit a courtroom or a police station. If possible, interview a judge, a lawyer or a police officer about their job and why they like it.
I will explore what it means to be a helpful, contributing citizen of my community.
Adventure Ideas:
- What would it be like to move around your community if you were in a wheelchair? Go on an urban hike and check it out. Find a way for your Pack to improve accessibility.
- Choose a person (or more) in your community who works hard and helps many people, and find a way to show them your appreciation.
I will explore the environment, nature, research and/or leisure activities as they relate to the Earth.
Adventure Ideas:
- Learn how to identify animal tracks and scat and teach your Pack.
- Go to a garden centre and find out about how different soils help plants grow.
- Go on an urban hike and look for ways for your Lair to help clean up the area.
I will explore a new hobby or learn new skills in a hobby I already do.
Adventure Ideas:
- Have you ever sewed on a button? Or used a sewing machine? Learn these skills and create a basic craft, like a hand puppet.
- Learn about origami and the story of 1,000 paper cranes. Learn to fold a certain shape of origami and then teach the folding to your Lair.
I will explore what it means to be a helpful contributing member of my home.
Adventure Ideas:
- Investigate the appliances in your home and learn how to use one that you don’t know about yet.
- Repair some torn clothing or sew on buttons that have fallen off your clothes.
- Create and/or look after the compost pile. What will make it compost faster? How can you use the compost?
I will explore and discover in one or more scientific area.
Adventure Ideas:
- Discuss with your family how you can reduce your use of electricity and by doing that, reduce the impact on the environment.
- Plant something you’ve never grown and study it.
- Gather samples of rocks in your area and figure out what each is.
I will explore the environment, nature, research and/or leisure activities about Space.
Adventure Ideas:
- Watch and record the moon every night for a month. • Research what astronauts need to learn and what they do.
- Learn Indigenous stories for some of the constellations and share the stories with your Lair.
Summer Fitness
I will participate in healthy and active summer fitness.
Adventure Ideas:
- Create a summer meal or picnic that provides good nourishment for your summer fitness and share it with friends or family.
- Take lessons in a new summer sport.
I will explore what it means to be helpful, careful and responsible as I use technology.
Adventure Ideas:
- With permission (and help, if needed) take apart an electronic toy or small appliance to see how it works. Use the parts to create something new.
- Learn about cyber bullying and how you can help prevent it and then tell your Pack what you learned.
I will explore leisure pursuits and the natural environment as they relate to water.
Adventure Ideas:
- Learn to fish or develop some new fishing skills.
- Do a community service project that helps to clean up or restore a local creek, stream, river or a shoreline, and returns it to a more natural state.
- Start an indoor water garden.
Winter Fitness
I will participate in healthy and active winter fitness.
Adventure Ideas:
- Go on a winter hike using snowshoes or cross country skies.
- Create a winter triathlon, such as sled down a hill, skate a distance and then hit the middle of the target with a snow ball. Invite your friends or Lair to join you.
I will explore what it means to be a contributing citizen of the world.
Adventure Ideas:
- Visit a place of worship, other than one you may attend, and find out who worships there and how.
- Learn a new game from another country and share it with your Pack.
- Find an international penpal through the ScoutsAbroad page of the Scouts Canada website.
All-Around Fitness
I will participate in healthy and active year- round fitness.
Adventure Ideas:
- Create a family exercise challenge. Decide together on an activity and then participate together.
- Design and run an outdoors obstacle course.
- Learn about five different events done in the Olympics or Paralympics, winter or summer.